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US Solar Report: A Consumer Focused Publication,

US Solar Report is Your Solar Advocate

US Solar Report is “Your Solar Advocate” because it’s exactly what the home solar industry needs, the unvarnished truth! The focus of this site is on the consumer, unlike the solar companies. Most of the information available online is either a solar company explaining all the benefits of solar and tax credits and offsetting your power bill. They never talk about the additional costs that so many unsuspecting buyers have endured.

Solar has been marketed in a manner that is similar to how automobiles. companies have made an art out of selling a payment instead of home solar. The sellers of home solar have used tactics that squeeze every ounce of the benefits, the profits that belong to the homeowner. The marketing of home solar has driven up the cost of solar for homeowners from the very beginning.

The way home solar has been marketed creates so many additional costs for the buyer that have nothing to do with solar. The following is a typical breakdown of what solar companies prices were and the additional costs.

Now it’s important to understand that these are the high-end examples from 2017 through 2019. Companies are really working hard to eliminate some of these costs to be competitive and stay in business. Unfortunately, they can’t break away from this business model because it’s so profitable.

Solar Companies’ Overhead Costs Breakdown

Add-Ons To Every Solar Proposal Cost of Add-Ons
The Cost of Salesperson $3000
Sales Manager $1500
Proposal Builders and Permitting Department $1000
Overhead: Rent, Auto Insurance, Vehicles, and Utilities $1000
Cost of Leads and Marketing $1000
Points for Low Interest 20 Year Loan Terms (Frequently Hidden Cost) $2500
Solar Panels, Inverter, Installation $17,000
Solar Company Profit $5000
Total $32,000

Federal ITC Is 26% Off The Above Cost for Qualified Buyers
(Many Solar Companies Use Tax Credit as a down-payment 12 to 15 months after the deal is closed)

As “your solar advocate” we represent you and your interests only, we do not take the position of, or defend any solar company. This is an independent news and information website for home solar buyers and homeowners. Our sole purpose is to help you get solar for your home and profit from it.

“Your Solar Advocate” is a better way to go solar. We provide expert guidance for homeowners going solar and negotiate the lowest prices in the solar industry. “Your Solar Advocate” eliminates many of the excessive overhead costs a solar company passes on to the homeowner.

“Your Solar Advocate” Eliminates The Following Costs of Home Solar

Add-Ons To Every Solar Proposal Cost of Add-Ons
The Cost of Salesperson $3000
Sales Manager $1500
Proposal Builders and Permitting Department $1000
Overhead: Rent, Auto Insurance, Vehicles, and Utilities $1000
Cost of Leads and Marketing $1000
Points for Low Interest 20 Year Loan Terms (Frequently Hidden Cost) $2500
Solar Panels, Inverter, Installation $17,000
Solar Company Profit $5000
Your Solar Advocate Target Price $2.75 a Watt Totals for 7K $19,250 Minus Tax Credit Your Net Cost Is $14,245

Above Example: $5005 Tax Credit for a 7K System, Net Total Cost $14,250

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