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Why Is Home Solar So Expensive? Solved

Why Is Home Solar So Expensive? Solved! Solar companies’ excessive overhead costs that are passed on to the buyer of home solar. The absolute bare minimum any solar company charges is $6000 over and above the cost of panels and installation. That’s just to get to breakeven and then they have to add-on $5000 for-profit based on a 7K solar system. $6000 is a low estimate because for many companies it can be as much as $10,000.

As you will see below there’s a better way to go solar and that is to use “Your Solar Advocate” a free service that represents your best interests.

Review the following solar cost charts and you will see why many solar companies prices are so high.

Solar Company Proposal for a 7K System

Add-Ons To Every Solar Proposal Cost of Add-Ons
The Cost of Salesperson $3000
Sales Manager $1500
Proposal Builders and Permitting Department $1000
Overhead: Rent, Auto Insurance, Vehicles, and Utilities $1000
Cost of Leads and Marketing $1000
Points for Low Interest 20 Year Loan Terms (Frequently Hidden Cost) $2500
Solar Panels, Inverter, Installation $17,000
Solar Company Profit $5000
Total $32,000

The solar company doesn’t pay for any of the additional overhead costs, the buyer pays for them.

The solar company doesn’t pay out any of the costs until the finance company funds their account after financing is finalized.

Now you know” Why Is Home Solar So Expensive?: Solved” has identified the driving force behind high home solar costs. Not only are the prices of home solar too high, but this business model is a hindrance to the growth of the home solar. But now there’s a better way…..

"Your Solar Advocate" Lowers The Costs of Home Solar Dramatically

Your Solar Advocate” is a step by step expert consulting firm and it’s a free service. The name speaks for itself, we are Your Solar Advocate through the entire process. we arrange for all your equipment to be purchased at the same wholesale prices as the solar companies.

What we do is assist you with expert knowledge of the laws and rules and all the contacts. We arrange for the very best installation and the purchase of solar panels and equipment at wholesale. The optimal system is going to cost you an absolute minimum of $6000 Less. See “Your Solar Advocate“.

"Your Solar Advocate" Eliminates Solar Companies Excessive Overhead Costs

Add-Ons To Every Solar Proposal Cost of Add-Ons
The Cost of Salesperson $3000
Sales Manager $1500
Proposal Builders and Permitting Department $1000
Overhead: Rent, Auto Insurance, Vehicles, and Utilities $1000
Cost of Leads and Marketing $1000
Points for Low Interest 20 Year Loan Terms (Frequently Hidden Cost) $2500
Solar Panels, Inverter, Installation $17,000
Solar Company Profit $5000
Your Solar Advocate” Target Price $2.75 a watt $19,250 Minus Tax Credit Your Net Cost Is $14,245

Federal ITC Tax Credit Is 26% of The Total Cost for Qualified Buyers Above Example: $5005 Tax Credit for a 7K System, Net Total Cost $14,250

If you would like to speak with an expert solar advisor simply fill out the basic info form below and we will contact you within 24 hours.

"Your Solar Advocate" Target Price Is $2.75 a Watt!

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