U.S. Department of Energy Information Administration news feed provides statistics analysis at your fingertips. Stay informed during one of the most volatile energy periods in history.
- U.S. energy production exceeded consumption by record amount in 2023
In 2023, energy production in the United States rose 4% to nearly 103 quadrillion British thermal units (quads), a record. Energy consumption in the United States fell 1% to 94 quads during the same period. Production exceeded consumption by 9 quads, more than at any other time in our records, which date to 1949.
- Why are Midwest grid operators turning away wind power?
As wind generation capacity has grown in the Midwest of the United States, grid operators have increasingly restricted wind generation because of both oversupply and congestion on the grid.
- Utilities report batteries are most commonly used for arbitrage and grid stability
Electricity utilities increasingly report using batteries to move electricity from periods of low prices to periods of high prices, a strategy known as arbitrage, according to new detailed information we recently published.
- New England utility closes import-dependent gas-fired power plant, keeps LNG import option
On May 31, Constellation Energy retired the natural gas-fired Mystic Generating Station it owned and operated. Mystic was one of the oldest U.S. electric power plants, located in Charlestown, Massachusetts, on the north side of Boston.
- Electricity demand surged in New England amid heat wave
Electricity demand in New England surged this week as high temperatures persisted through much of the United States.